It’s a new day, yes it is. We added video to the show! Welcome to our Tuesday show, the 5 Count! Time for a Monday Night Raw recap.
Raw is XXX and the Trail of Sami Zayn – OWP Ep 38
Raw is XXX gave us the Trail of Sami Zayn. A fantastic 30 minute segment that crippled the rest of the show. Let’s talk about it!
WWE2k23 and the Best Wrestling Game Match Types – OWP Ep37
With rumors of WWE 2k23 launching March 17th 2023, let’s talk about the best match types in wrestling games!
Royal Rumble Surprises – OWP Ep 36
Royal Rumble Surprises are a staple of the event. With Cody Rhodes announced, what mega surprises could be in store for the fans?
Best Wrestling Moves as Finishers – OWP Ep 35
What wrestling moves make the best finishers? We go in on this fun topic and pick the best of the best. 10 minutes and then you are out!
Collecting Wrestling Merch – OWP Ep 34
Do you collect wrestling merch? There are so many great merchandise options floating around, maybe you should. Let’s ramble for 10!
Best Crowd Participation Entrances – OWP Ep 33
Let’s take 10 minutes and talk about the Best Crowd Participation Entrances in pro wrestling. There are quite a few, but one stands out …