Hot Take. Smackdown needs another hour of wrestling. I know. There is already so much wrestling during the week. Hear me out.
Oh, Wrestling Staff

Amazing Gimmick Matches – OWP Ep 47
Who doesn’t love amazing gimmick matches? I will tell you who does. Pro wrestlers. Some love them so much they specialize in them!

Best WWE Rivalries – OWP Ep 46
What’s the Best WWE Rivalries in history? I have my picks and they are the absolute best but what are your favorites?

Future Wrestling Legends – OWP Ep 45
We all know Rick Flair is a legend, but what current pro wrestling superstars have the right stuff to be future wrestling legends?

Best era in WWE History – OWP Ep 44
We take 10 minutes to answer what is the best era in WWE history. We have the definitive answer and you won’t want to miss it!

2023 Elimination Chamber Chat – OWP Ep 43
Let’s talk about the upcoming 2023 Elimination Chamber matches. Men and women collide in a giant steel coliseum. Oh, the spectacle!

Royal Rumble Recap – OWP Ep 42
The Royal Rumble is done and we are on the road to Wrestlemania. Let’s talk about wrestling’s best event of the year!